Star Floyd : LD/GD

« StarFloyd » (2018) was created by Gamayun Productions and published by Connect2Media. I was in charge of :

  • Level Design : 30+ handcrafted levels
  • Game Design : Game Systems, Balance, GDD, Economics
  • Cinematic Sound Design
  • QA Testing
Star Floyd : Game Design, Level Design,


Note : This game was made by more than 7 people. It was a huge experience to expand our team to work with so many talented people.

Production duration : 9 months

Team : Thierry Brochart (Lead Dev.), Rodolphe Bax (Lead Artist/Animator), Eric Castiau(Backgrounds), Stéphane Payet (Story), Sébastien Manglou(Shaders), Guillaume Clarisse (Cinematic).