In 2023, i had the honor to make an advergame for the « Reunion Island Rhum Production Union ». I had to do everything on my own and the concept was simple :
People would go to the « Salon de l’Agriculture » in Paris (the most famous of France), come to their stall and play the game. It’s a sort of candy crush and there are questions about Reunion Island and their rhum to give the players bonuses if they answer correctly.
The challenge was that it had to be on their website so MOBILE WEBGL in Unity that had A LOT of technical constraints.
I had to setup a Database to keep tracks of subscriptions, highest scores,etc. because the client wanted to give gifts to the most valuable players.
This was an amazing opportunity that permitted them to win an Innovative & Creative Award during the event.
I had a really great time exploring this classic mobile Match 3 genre by digging deeper in the Game Feel / Juice when interacting with the tiles. I really hope you like it.
You can play it online of course !